Simplicity 3762 was no exception. I made it three times. Once in the original shirt form, but with the maternity sizing and generous ease above body measurements, it was gigantic. I made it early in pregnancy and it was not the confidence booster.
I made it later for a dress to wear to a wedding and scaled the fit down significantly. The length of the shirt extended easily into a dress. It was the first time I managed topstitching and finished all the details.
The third time I made it, I was not in maternity mode but I was itching for a maxi dress. I had just over 3 yards of knit and all patterns I could find insisted I needed four! I also really didn't want to trek to the store to buy a pattern, so figured I'd patch something together with ones I had. With some creative layouts (the fabric is going the 'wrong' way) I managed to get it together. The only problem is I was a little short on width, so the flare at the bottom was off. But it doesn't have to be perfect, I'm not wearing it to a wedding or anything.